Jaclyn Hoffman, MS, LPC
Jaclyn Hoffman is a Licensed Professional Counselor in New Jersey with specializations in grief counseling, anxiety, depression, and stress management. Her experience comes from working in early intervention for crisis management in Atlantic City for ten years, providing in-home clinical services for children and families, and working with the severe and persistent mentally ill
population. Jaclyn brings over fifteen years of clinical work experience to children, adults, and families.
Jaclyn's services cater to children and adults in supporting their needs through, but not limited to, expressive arts, meditation, mindfulness, healthy living coaching, and integrating tools from Energy Psychology and Heartmath®.
Various modalities are considered to fit individual needs. Jaclyn is also trained in Nurtured Parenting, Nurtured Heart Approach, EFT, and EMDR.
She considers her clinical work to have a holistic edge thanks to Energy Psychology and personal growth spiritually. In addition to counseling, she is a Reiki practitioner and in the very near future will be offering Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), as well as Grief Yoga. She offers both individual and coursework in SoulCollage®, an expressive art technique that offers personal growth and understanding in intuition and personal discovery.
In her spare time, Jaclyn enjoys her time with her two beautiful children and rescue dog “Zen,” going on camping adventures, getting outdoors to immerse herself in nature, and taking care of her small farm comprised of chickens, sheep, goats, and honeybees.
Jaclyn will work with you to determine the best course of action to restore that balance and calm you have been longing to get back in your life.
Contact us to schedule a session.
Jaclyn Hoffman, MS, LPC
NJ# 37PC00565100
P: 609-445-3335