Healing the physical body through the energy body​
The human body has an amazing capacity for healing, yet our modern lifestyle often makes it difficult for many people to tap that potential. Acupuncture is an ancient practice rooted in the ancestral science of Chinese medicine, helping promote that natural healing potential. By balancing the body, mind, spirit, and emotions, and restoring overall energy balance, acupuncture can help people embrace optimal wellness without medication or invasive medical procedures.
Acupuncture treatments may include the use of tui na, cupping, moxa, guasha, or other as needed.
Service Description
Acupuncture Treatment with Dr. Taryn.
Traditional Chinese Medicine believes the body’s life forces must be in balance in order to be healthy. Energy flows throughout the body, balancing the forces. When this energy is blocked by an organ/meridian dysfunction, then pain, illness, or discomfort may present. Acupuncture pin-points the blockage through the meridians and releases it to restore health, balance, and wellness, as well as relieve pain.
Focused on wellness and prevention to build a strong foundation and address concerns over current health patterns. What you put in your body is important, and Dr. Taryn Parascand will help you to optimize your health through a balanced approach specific to your unique health and wellness goals.
Your initial consultation includes a comprehensive history and lifestyle assessment along with an in-depth discussion about your health concerns, followed by diagnostics using the tongue and the pulse. Every patient receives acupuncture treatment, the necessary modalities, and a detailed treatment plan with clear guidance about how to reclaim their health. You will learn about Qi gong, food as medicine, and lifestyle modifications to promote wellness and alleviate symptoms. Herbal formulas may also be recommended, for a separate fee. The choice and power truly lies in your hands.
Book your Acupuncture Session with Dr. Taryn to create an environment of harmony to eliminate your ailments. Once established as a patient, follow-up appointments will take less time.
Initial Consult/Treatment $150.00 | Follow-up Treatments $100 (we are in-network with several health insurance plans)
(1) Complete health assessment
(1) Acupuncture Treatment
(1) Individualized health and wellness plan
(1) Bemer mat and Biomat use each time.
* Price does not include herbs or supplements
* 24-hour advance notice is required when canceling an appointment. If you are unable to give us the minimum 24-hours advance notice, you will be charged a $30 cancellation fee.
The Benefits of Acupuncture
Reduced Stress
Reduced Back and Joint Pain
Headache Relief
Improved Eye Health
Enhanced Mental Clarity
Reduce Symptoms of Neurological Disorders
Reduce an Individual’s Risk of Falling Ill
Fewer Digestive Problems
Increased Energy
Better Sleep
Relief from Allergies
Controlling Blood Pressure
Enhancing Fertility
Improved Healing After Medical Procedures